But, during the volatile 100 days... I became a trader, moved into new exchanges and out again (like C-Cex) and in general DOUBLED TO TRIPLED my trading stake thanks to investments in the NavajoCoin mainly. I've also had nice trades at times with Mazacoin, Gamerholic, and others too..... such as HTML5, Leaf, and Einsteinium.
I'm still using Bluetrade very occasionally and have about 0.128 btc there (from original .10).... but.. I made about 900 trades before slowing down... occasionally you can still get good info in the chatbox there too from developers.......My favorite exchange is Cryptsy where my original stake of .15 btc has grown to .51 btc (spiked much higher recently) -- at one time I traded 2 btc in 2 weeks... but have scaled back to about .6 btc in 2 weeks. Cryptsy is where I have my `dry' trading btc as I sold most of my Navajo position there. Mainly because Bittrex is where the thickest Navajo coin market is (much like Cryptsy has a deeper market like Mazacoin)... and it's easier to find coins to trade into on Cryptsy.
Anyway at Bittrex my initial start of 0.15 bitcoin is 0.41 bitcoin... I've sold NONE of my NavajoCoin stake there. Bittrex seems to have some good new coins too to trade....like Ribbit Rewards. Finally on Polonex... I've struggled mightly after buying into the peaks of Ripple and Stellar a few months ago but have recovered even there from a 0.10 start to 0.14btc.... Now playing the CounterParty Exchange coin.
So, as spring starts today... expect a more updated blog here... and thanks for hanging in there...
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