Saturday, March 4, 2017

Poloniex Holdings - March 2017

Current Holdings At Poloniex

Some of my current holdings and trades:
Poloniex Holdings
10:30 AM

Some March Holdings
Factom  .50 btc
Bitcoin  .28 btc
Stellar .24 btc
STEEM .08 btc
Expanse .08 btc

I played the DASH explosion nearly perfectly the other other day and have been trading Factom with some regularity and small gains during it's decline. Worried about Stellar after that 90 Satoshi price the other day.

Estimated value of holdings: $1,684.28 USD / 1.32495994 BTC

(Feb #s $1,471 USD / 1.45 BTC)

February Holdings
litecoin  .39 btc
Pascal  .32 btc
Stellar .27 btc
Ripple .24 btc
NEM .21 btc

Thanks for coming to Bitcoins In Trade

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Poloniex Holdings - February 2017

Current Holdings At Poloniex

Some of my current holdings and trades:
Poloniex Holdings
2:50 PM

Estimated value of holdings: 
$1,471.41 USD
1.45683154 BTC

litecoin  .39 btc
Pascal  .32 btc
Stellar .27 btc
Ripple .24 btc
NEM .21 btc

I've recently traded Pascal profitably by catching some lows and expecting the volume and support level to kick in for the new coin. I also held Stellar for a good gain a couple weeks ago. That said, compared to Dec... my btc is down, largely IMO to the significantly rising value and spike of bitcoin which has made the market hard to trade and to time....have been watching Factom for a good entry point and re-enter Expanse on this upswing.