Monday, April 13, 2015

The First Mazacoin Political Donation (March 19th)

Presidential candidate Paul is taking Bitcoin as a few other politicians in the past.... (and is getting flack for the LACK of transparency of it) - yet, Payu Harris... as you can see... when I made the FIRST non Bitcoin donation, perhaps, EVER ON EARTH to a campaign - wanted to position it as BEING the open way to do business... Interesting variety of perceptions indeed.
one thing that would be a help... would be a small mzc donation...Im wanting to showcase the ability for the public to track and monitor blockchain transactions
I'd be happy to
I'll send in some

ok cool
just sent 22,000 MZC from Bittrex
am I the first official possible donation?

Yup...thank you you are my FIRST official Campaign supporter

Monday, April 6, 2015


At the Bluetrade Exchange chatbox one often finds exciting news about certain virtual coining efforts... one of those coins being the HTML5 coin. Below you can see they've cornered a Democrat running for President of the United States - for a photo op and PR session about Cryptocurrencies. The gentleman is Robby Wells... seen with Marlena (of HTML5) holding the 100 Million HTML5 `check' representing the coin political donation.
FYI, 100 million HTML5 would be valued at about 75 LTC on most exchanges and each LTC is worth about 1.70 as of today - a hefty donation and great publicity for Crypto.
Those who are following the game closely, very closely, know that I may have made the very first Crypto donation, outside of Bitcoin, (which was involved at some level in the past) to a political campaign a few weeks ago in MazaCoin to Payu Harris - when he was organizing a run for the Mayor of Rapid City SD.
Also, in similar Presidential news, Rand Paul has in a backhanded way endorsed Crypto by suggesting that COMPANIES might be allowed to issue their own `currencies'.
So, Cryptsy is cranking up `contract mining' - and it's certainly possible many new sources of coins may be entering that market exchange IMO.... might get a bit harder to trade some coins if the price of a currency gets perceived as the cost of electricity.... or a contract that makes money.
Finally for today - what do you say we take a look at a few more of the `names' in Cryptocurrencies that might have appeal:
`think outside the banks'
they provide a WEEKLY update... rare for Cryptocurrencies
Here's my most recent trade in the coin at Cryptsy
2015-03-27 00:04:09 Sell 0.00001580 814.21974351 0.01286467
2015-03-18 12:18:38 Buy 0.00001417 7.00823351 0.00009931
2015-03-18 12:18:31 Buy 0.00001417 630.00000000 0.00892710

WorldCoin... real... and with potential IMO.
Want to cure Cancer?
share your computer power?
The coin is also associated with a `Spells Of Genesis' Game which could increase it's profile dramatically. Can't seem to find an exchange with this coin yet....
Be ready for this one when you see it!
Still working on a longer, thoughtful post at Barfstew - stay tuned.